Friday 11 December 2015

Contemptor Dreadnought Conversion

WIP Sor Gharax, Contemptor Dreadnought of the 21st Battle Company of the Twisting Rune Chapter, XVII Legion.

Minor bit of conversion work on the BoC Contemptor Dreadnought.
I've moved the leg on the right a bit further backwards so he looks like he's advancing firing all weapons in a supporting fire sorta thing, I've rotated the waist too, and I've added a couple of icons of the XVII Legions' newfound faith.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Kurtha Sedd, Chaplain of the Twisting Rune Chapter

Here I present Kurtha Sedd in a slightly alternate paint scheme, as I wanted him to bridge the gap between the Crusade era Black armoured Chaplains and the red scheme of the new faith during the Heresy.

I'm really pleased with this guy, and hopefully he'll see loads of use in game!

WIP Tactical Squad Tol

Here's the WIP of the twenty-strong Tactical Squad Tol, 3rd Assault Company, Flayed Hand Chapter of the Word Bearers legion.

Although I am to go for more of a warband feel for my Heresy era Word Bearers, most of the core troops and more fanatical units will be part of the heroic Flayed Hand Chapter as it is the largest and one of the most zealous chapters within the Legion.